These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'sine die.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Scott McClallen, Washington Examiner, 16 Oct. Gromer Jeffers Jr., Dallas News, The House passed the bill in a late-night session Wednesday and adjourned sine die, leaving the Senate to either approve the bill as-is or spike it. 2021 Whatever the case, Abbott and other Republicans are poised to take a victory lap after the session adjourns sine die. A conditional veto or absolute veto that lawmakers could try to override can only be issued through the end of the session on those bills the governor receives in the last 10 days.

The other makes an additional 1 million available to nonprofits for security measures. 2021 Both chambers of the Legislature adjourned sine die by early afternoon Friday, with no bills passed in the first special session. One of those expands the definition of terrorism. 2022 Other Democrats are reportedly looking for face-saving ways to show up for work so the special session can finish its business and go sine die. 2022 Would all the new members of the House and Senate - those sworn in since our last sine die - please rise? - The Arizona Republic, 10 Jan. A presidential veto is a constitutional power authorizing the president of the United States to reject a bill or resolution that was passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Molly Beck, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 12 Apr.

2021 But lawmakers have not adjourned sine die - a requirement to put the Legislature in recess. Alex Briseno, Dallas News, 1 June 2021 Every stock and commodity exchange in the country was closed sine die and there were machine guns at the corners of the great federal buildings in Washington on Inauguration Day, the first inauguration with a major armed presence since the Civil War. Recent Examples on the Web So on the final day of the session, the typical sine die celebration turned into a morning-after conversation with one representative who helped break the quorum and led a prayer right after the bill failed to pass and another who remained on the floor.